1. Thailand
Crunchy Beetles & Cockroach
I will never eat this. Sure.. I was walking on the street, and saw few hawkers stall by the roadside. Some selling Mango Rice, noodles and this catch my attention, but not my appetite. How could you eat that?
2. Vietnam
I ask my friend that working in Vietnam for more than 10 years. What is the food we should try in Vietnam. Something special..
I am speechless for this.. Really.. Aiyo.. Pity little creature. How could you eat this when u saw? They boil it and just eat like a boiled eggs.
3. China
I hire a motorcyclist to ride me around the town during my last visit to China last month. This lady, recommended me to try dog's meat. I feel not comfortable listening to this. But yet, this is culture different. For them, maybe it's just like eating Kentucky Fried Chicken. I ask her if all the dogs meat can be eaten and how the taste? She replied, all dogs meat can be eat, except the dogs that had owner / pet. Taste is very nice, cant explain unless you try it. You need to find the right place to eat dog meat, because not every place cook in a good taste, she added. And she knows where serve the good meat. Ewhh..
I just smile and tell her that i prefer Chicken / Fish for lunch today.
Sorry if my post makes you feel disgust.